Friday, December 26, 2008

My Christmas tree a Tumbleweed


My Christmas tree is Tumbleweed.

When we were very little, back in the 50's and 60's, my father used to go to the bush and saw a branch from a pine tree for our Christmas tree.

Later he bought a tree (branch) from someone selling it at the road-side.

Later still whole baby trees were sold for Christmas.

I cannot remember when I saw the first plastic tree, but fake ones were never a consideration in our home - not until I went to England in the seventies.

It took some time to get used to white plastic trees also. Green ones looked more natural.

Since I was in control of choosing and decorating my own tree, after I got married, I never wanted a "dead" tree for Christmas.

"Killing a tree for Christmas was just not my thing.

I would buy a tree growing in a pot. It did not necessary have to be a pine tree. If I did not buy one specially, I would choose one from my collection of pot plants.

My hobby is to bonsai trees grown from seeds or baby trees found growing wild.

Sooner or later I allow them to grow up and they get planted out into my garden. If they are lucky they become my Christmas tree before being planted out.

This year I was pondering on which pot plant to use for a Christmas tree, when a tumbleweed came rolling down the road and landed at my feet.

It was as if it was begging me: "Choose me, please, please." "Let me be pretty before I go to the garbage can."

So this year my Christmas tree is tumbleweed.

"My Christmas tree a tumble weed" sounds like a good title for book.

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