Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sloppy dressers

When did we become so sloppy in our dress?

When I was young, boys and men's trousers were tailor made to fit.

While I was waiting for someone outside a busy shopping center, I noticed how ugly the foot and leg wear of most Tableviewers are.
People's ankles have a wrinkly-neck appearance with the ugliest footwear to round it off.
Did this sloppiness happen because women are working and no longer have the time to shorten trouser legs?
Are the shops selling only clothes modeled on tall people? (Which means all normal size and short people looks untidy)?
Are people no longer fashion conscious?
Do people have an untidy consciousness?
Do we consider appearance to be unimportant?
Is untidiness sexy?

I don't know what the answer is, but next time you find yourself waiting for someone at a shopping center, just do an ankle study and you will see what I mean.
People no longer dress their ankles up.
It is as if we are not interested in anything below the knees.

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