The 67 minutes of Mandela Charity thing came and gone without much of a ripple in our routine.
Most of the people I know give much more than 67 minutes of their time to helping other in need either on a daily or on an hourly basis.
One of my friends gives 120 minutes of her time every hour of the day to helping someone in need.
She has a daughter with leukemia.
She is now faced with perhaps leaving her place of residence, because the owner needs it for her own family.
It seems that, in my environment, the people who mostly need to be reminded to give time to charity are those who receive it.
Some people become like helpless sponges and just take.
They have the attitude that the world owes them.
It does not matter how badly you are off, a smile or a good word cost nothing.
I remember some years ago, when our Pick and Pay decided to donate the day old bread to the squatter community.
Sometimes the transport would let them down and the bread become moldy.
The people appeared on television accusing the chain store for regarding them as pigs.
In that case it would have been better if the store chucked the bread. They would not have received the bad publicity the got instead of a “Thank you”
People often slap the hand that feeds them. They always want more and more.
They will only become satisfied when they get in a situation where they become givers and not just takers.
I don’t think the time to start giving is when you have excess. There are lots of things that you can give that do not cost money.
We should all be givers. Of wat praat ek alles