Saturday, June 27, 2009

My head book

This morning I feel rather pleased with myself.
As I awoke I sort of remembered my dream from the previous night. I then remembered that it continued on from a dream of the night before. Not that I was aware of recording it in my brain.
Then my mind continued to complete the dream even though I was awake.
Since this is not the first time that I woke up with a novel in my head, I decided to think it through.
I had to make a choice to either put it on ice for now, think it to as far as I can, or discard it since I do not have time to spend on novels right now.
Someone told me to write my thought-dreams down, because otherwise I spent my creativity without recording it ever. She said once creativity is spent, it goes.

I decided to record the outlines and started writing.
Even though I had no idea how it was going to play out; the words (or rather ideas) just flowed to the last paragraph. I crawled out of bed at 11 am with the whole comedy written down (the outline if it).

From beginning to the last sentence – the whole novel outline in my diary.

I have never brought a book to completion in one morning, even though this is about the sixth one I dreamed.

Sometimes it would take me three months to think one through.
My comedy has a beginning, a body, a theme, all the major actors (not their names) and an ending. Brilliant.

Except for the before last head-novel, I never even wrote them down.

This one is a comedy written for the screen or to be performed -- not for a book.

The story deals with two brothers that were abducted at the age of six months and were reunited with the family twenty six years later. They had to act that they were babies for the sake of the mother’s emotional health.

It is the first story that I ever minded-out that I could not put my own personality into any of the characters.

It is as if I was reading someone else's transcript.
Nevertheless, I am pleased with myself for writing the 26 pages into my diary.

Perhaps I shall learn how to write a TV novel and complete it one day.

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